This website was created by: David Bagnall and Tom Hurwitz, ASC
(All material, unless otherwise noted, was written, curated and researched by Bagnall and Hurwitz)

It was designed by François Huyghe and Sharon Bach at 13 Milliseconds

This site is dedicated to the memory of Jane Dudley, Peg Lawson, and Eleanor Burlingham, three women who accomplished not only their own life’s work but contributed immeasurably to Leo Hurwitz’s as well.  It could not exist without the collaboration of filmmaker Manfred Kirchheimer, Leo’s colleague over decades.

We owe immense thanks to the staff of the George Eastman Museum in Rochester, New York, particularly the Moving Image Department.

In addition, we owe a debt of gratitude to Dennis Doros and Millestone Film and Video for making available their great work in restoring Strange Victory and several smaller films by Hurwitz, all available on DVD.

Trustees of the estate of Leo Hurwitz:
David Bagnall
Tom Hurwitz
Manfred Kirchheimer