Pages from Leo Hurwitz’s FBI files
Read more about the repression

Details Hurwitz's biographical background, including a reliable report from someone at CBS quoting his application for employment

FBI documents Hurwitz's travel to Israel to film the Eichmann Trial

Documents Strange Victory, Leo's Communist Party membership, his address, his bank

Document's Hurwitz's efforts to obtain a passport, denied for political reasons until 1961

Hurwitz applies for passport to film Eichmann Trial

Details Hurwitz's connection to Frontier Films and Native Land, traces his sympathies and memberships, and even the location of some filming at a left-wing camp.

Hurwitz family shopping list, taken from garbage by FBI

Details Hurwitz's friends, jobs and his and Jane Dudley's Communist Party memberships.

Details FBI interview with Hurwitz's super at his apartment and his work on the film, "Salt of the Earth" in New Mexico

Details Hurwitz's and colleagues' work with Frontier films and how "Communist" it was.

Details Frontier Films, its production of Native Land, its members and why it is Communist

Details House Committee on UnAmerican Activities information on Hurwitz and friends, their publications and articles, and the Film and Photo League

Details Hurwitz's being stopped on the street by FBI

Details various evidence for Hurwitz's communism, including his news judgement at CBS, his wife's CP membership, and other dangers, quoting usually reliable sources.