Leo rolls a cigarette with nothing inside to help stop smoking Photo - Martina Müller

Photo Jesse Ehrensaft Hawley

Leo at home on West End Avenue

Photo 1970, Deborah Dickson. Leo practicing Tai Chi Chuan in Martha's Vineyard.

…On one of Leo’s innumerable walks and discussions Photo - Martina Müller

Leo being interviewed in Milan

Leo lectures at Folkets Bio, Stockholm

Leo lectures at Folkets Bio, Stokholm

Leo lectures at Folkets Bio, Stokholm

photo Cathy Chamorey

Photo Cathy Chamorey

Leo lectures

Leo at Steenbeck editing machine

leo interviewed in Milan

Ingela Romare, Swedish filmmaker and psychoanalyst, published Leo's work on tape and DVD

photo Jon Petrusson

In the 1970's and 80's Leo traveled often to film communities, conferences and festivals in Europe, where his work was much more appreciated than in general in the US.

Peg Lawson was Hurwitz's second wife and collaborator

West End Avenue, New York

Photo 1970, Deborah Dickson.

Leo, and his eldest sister, Liza, enjoy their grand niece, foreground.

Leo's older sister, Rosetta Hurwitz, psychoanalyst, at tribute dinner for her sister, Marie Briehl.

Leo's older sister, Marie Briehl and her husband Walter Briehl MD, both psychoanalysts, at tribute dinner.

Leo's older sister, Marie Briehl, ground-breaking child psychoanalyst, at tribute dinner.

Photo Jerry Liebling

Leo explaining, seated at his Moviola editing machine

Hurwitz's second wife and collaborator, Peg Lawson. Still from Dialogue with a Woman Departed

Hurwitz's second wife and collaborator, Peg Lawson. Still from Dialogue with a Woman Departed

Hurwitz's second wife and collaborator, Peg Lawson. Still from Dialogue with a Woman Departed

Leo's second wife, great film editor, Peg Lawson, subject of Dialogue with a Woman Departed.

Leo and Manny Kirchheimer film Discovery in a Painting. Production still. Kirchheimer finished the film in 2016

Hurwitz films with wide angle lens. Production still, The Big Deep for Standard Oil

Leo directing The Big Deep for Standard Oil

Leo at his favorite spot at his dining table, at home on West End Avenue, New York

Editing In Search Of Hart Crane

Leo and Manny Kirchheimer on the set of In Search of Hart Crane, WNET

Richard Lippold plays the organ, production still, The Sun and Richard Lippold

Leo sets a shot with second cameraman, D'Arcy Marsh (looking up) on Essay On Death

Manny Kirchheimer, cinematographer, lines up a shot with Hurwitz on the set of Essay On Death

Filming Essay On Death with Gabriel Kirchheimer in bed

Leo Hurwitz directs actor James Broderick on the set of Essay On Death

Leo directs actors, Allen Markey and James Broderick on the set of Essay on Death

Peg Lawson, editor, looks at shot on the set of Essay On Death

Leo and 2nd cameraman, D'Arcy Marsh on the set of Essay on Death

Hurwitz explains a shot to camera assistant, Peter Eliscu and 2nd cameraman D'Arcy Marsh. Production still, Essay on Death

Hurwitz sets up a shot. Production still, Essay on Death

Production still, Essay on Death, Leo sets a low shot

Essay On Death, production still,

Leo Hurwitz on the set of Essay on Death

Here at the Water's Edge, production still, Photo Charles Pratt

Here at the Water's Edge production still, photo by Charles Pratt

Here at the Water's Edge production still, photo by Charles Pratt

Leo at his favorite spot at his dining table, home on West End Avenue, New York

The control room of the television coverage of the Eichmann Trial in Jerusalem. Leo, the director, is center with dark shirt. Milton Fruchtman, the producer, is standing.

Passport photos for Leo's trip to Israel to direct the television of the Eichmann Trial. He had been denied a passport previously for 10 years for political reasons.

Trainers give instructions to Ray Drake,

Ray Drake wins his fight

Brown shirts terrorize the streets of Berlin

Nazi antiSemitic cartoon by Streicher

Jewish doctor is led through the streets of Berlin

Brown shirts demonstrating in Berlin

African American pilot comes in for a landing

As head of News and Public Affairs, Hurwitz was central to the invention of live television production in the nascent network

Hurwitz at the opening of Native Land

The funeral group including Virginia Stevens. Whitey has just been buried, photo Marion Michelle

Whitie's wife (Virginia Stevens) loses it at the funeral, photo Marion Michelle

"We don't forget that... never!" The funeral group, photo Marion Michelle

The funeral, photo Marion Michelle

"We don't forget that... never!" Clancy Cooper, eulogist at left,, photo Marion Michelle

Clancy Cooper, eulogist, funeral scene, photo Marion Michelle

One of the funeral group, photo Marion Michelle

Virginia Stevens in the funeral group, photo Marion Michelle

Member of the funeral group , photo Marion Michelle

Members of the funeral group, photo Marion Michelle

Whitey's widow (Virginia Stevens) and his child at his grave site, photo Marion Michelle

Whitey's wife (Virginia Stevens), and their friends. "We don't forget that, never", photo Marion Michelle

Anti-Klan activist is taken. by Klu Kluxers

Klansman prepares to tar and feather anti-racism activist

Harry Carlisle (Art Smith) gets paid by agent (Richard Bishop) for his spying.

Production still. A spy-master (possibly Bert Conway) who helps trap Harry Carlisle, the labor spy in Native Land

Jim walks in on meeting of Harry, the labor spy, and company spymaster (from left) Richard Bishop, Art Smith, Howard DaSilva

Harry Carlisle (Art Smith) with phony injuries

Workers at union meeting when spy is "discovered"

Angry workers after Jim (Howard DaSilva) has just been "exposed" as a spy.

Jim (Howard DaSilva), a plant, at union meeting after having been "exposed" as a labor spy

Jim (Howard DaSilva) decoy spy is uncovered in union meeting

The black sharecropper (Louis Grant) is shot. Sharecropper scene

Vigilantes breaking up a meeting of sharecroppers

A union organizer is murdered

The window cleaning girl (Amelia Romano), finding the dead union organizer, photo Marion Michelle

the window washing girl (Amelia Romano) finding the dead union organizer, photo Marion Michelle

the window scubber (Amelia Romano), on her way to find the dead union organizer, photo Marion Michelle

the window scubber (Amelia Romano), on her way to find the dead union organizer, photo Marion Michelle

Window washing girl (Amelia Romano) at work, photo Marion Michelle

Wife (Mary George) of the farmer who spoke up at the Grange meeting calls for him, before finding his body.

Paul Strand is left, Hurwitz directs. Set of Native Land

Filming girl cleaning window scene, Paul Strand is third from left, Hurwitz is far right, photo Marion Michelle

Set of farmer scene. Strand is behind camera, Hurwitz is setting the plow, Fred Johnson is farmer

Leo at the time of the opening of Native Land

Loyalist Troops. Spanish Civil War

Elia "Gadget" Kazan worked closely with Hurwitz at Frontier Films, then named him before the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities and bought a full page ad in the NY Times to explain why.

Elia "Gadget" Kazan worked closely with Hurwitz at Frontier Films, then named him before the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities and bought a full page ad in the NY Times to explain why.

Elia "Gadget" Kazan worked closely with Hurwitz at Frontier Films, then named him before the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities and bought a full page ad in the NY Times to explain why.

Hurwitz in Pie in the Sky, during the NYKINO period.

Hurwitz is at far left behind camera.

Photo by Hurwitz of his housemates on vacation, From left, Max Blatt, Sophie Maslow, Sidney Meyers, Edna Ocko, Jane Dudley

photo by Hurwitz

Photo by Hurwitz

Leo and Jane's close friend, married to Sophie Maslow. Photo by Hurwitz

photo by Hurwitz

Photo by Hurwitz

Photo by Hurwitz

photo by Hurwitz

Dancing in pre-Martha Graham choreography

Leo's wife, Jane Dudley danced with Hanya Holm and then Martha Graham in these years

Photo by Hurwitz

Leo's father. Photo by Hurwitz

Leo's Parents attend his garduation from Harvard. Perhaps their first trip to Cambridge/Boston

Leo's Parents

Leo graduates Harvard College

Leo Hurwitz (right) and friend... and fish.

Hurwitz's older brother and sisters, from left: Elizabeth, Rosetta, William, Marie, Sophia Hurwitz (girls in coats sewn by their mother).

Leo, at 4, at the door of the family apartment house on Keap Street.

Leo's family about a year before he was born. (l-r back row) Rosetta, Chava (mother), William, Solomon (father), Elizabeth, (l-r front) Peter, Sophia, Eleanore, Marie

In this group is Abraham Katcher (center), his daughter Chava Katcher Hurwitz (to right), her husband (Solomon Hurwitz (far right), her brother, Moiseye (standing behind them) - their children from left, Elizabeth, Marie and William. Other adults are Katcher sisters, one husband and son.

Rolfe, just returned from fighting in Spain, was Leo's closest friend at the time

Kline and Karpathy filmed Heart of Spain